Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here's to Summer

Barbecue stained finger tips, chalk hopscotch outlines perfectly drawn out on sidewalks, the clinking sound of ice jingling in glasses filled to the brim with lemonade sweet tea, racing to the movie theater every weekend to catch the latest summer blockbuster film, impossible contest of who can catch the most fireflies in old mason jars, and homemade slip-n-slides under the family sprinklers. Ah the memories; I can almost hear the ringing bells of the ice cream trucks already.

Today is officially the first day of summer, and even with the thin haze of clouds drifting in from off the ocean and covering the sky around my house in a bit overcast and fog, I can still hear the brisk chirping of the birds outside my bedroom window. I absolutely love summer; I love the warm summer nights, the smell of mouth watering food on the grill at any given time of day, the concept of living the entire summer in a pair of flip flops, and of course the undeniable excitement that usually fills the air around the fourth of July. I don’t know if it’s childhood nostalgia, or just the general association of fun with summer, but something about this time of year just makes me giddy. 

To be fair- pretty much anything I like has the potential of causing a full on giddy fit. But summer has it’s own special giddiness that for lack of better words, owns my ass in a major way. Just the thought of concerts in the park, and 2 day at a time camping trips makes my body fall into serious C.P.A.P; you might know it as “Cabbage Patch Auto Pilot”. For those of you that don’t know what this means, it’s when you get so excited about something so awesome, you immediately do the cabbage patch in celebration. Yeah…don’t judge me. I suffer from Happiness Turrets Syndrome-HTS…true story.

Here’s to all the fun to be had, drinks to be consumed, sunshine to be absorbed, and memories to me made.

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